夏娃的诱惑 吻


主演:KimKkobbi JeonSin-hwan LeeSeon 


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琪琪布电影网第一时间收录《夏娃的诱惑 吻》并提供免费在线观看。夏娃的诱惑 吻上映于 2018 年(韩国),是一部伦理制片作品,由KimKkobbi,JeonSin-hwan,LeeSeon-hee-I,HanJin-hee-I,SongYoo-dam等领衔主演。影片(剧)类型为电影天堂,对白语言为韩语。全片(剧)时长45分钟,喜欢琪琪布电影网欢迎分享给身边的朋友,顺祝您观影愉快!

以下为夏娃的诱惑 吻剧情简介:Aren"t you doing it? Is it only me?  Am I the only one who wants to be happy? Ah-yeong has the Ripley"s.  She dresses up nicely and goes to look at fancy apartments, she goes shopping around shopping malls as if she"s going to buy expensive items and even shows off to her co-workers that she"s got a rich boyfriend whom she"s going to marry soon.  Then one day, poor but innocent man Tae-ho appraoches her. Ah-yeong accepts his proposal but her flaws beging to show and everyone around her turn away but not Tae-ho.  Will Ah-yeong get out of the prison of lies she built and become happy.

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热播电影推荐: 我的时代你的时代 赘婿 财神到 战狼 红海行动 亲爱的热爱的 斗罗大陆 锦心似玉




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